How to prepare yourself for the age of AGI

In my series of articles on AGI, I described in detail what we can expect when conscious intelligence or advanced AI becomes a reality. I also wrote about how it will affect our development as a species and the future of our children. In this article, I will provide condensed knowledge from those articles, specific conclusions, and tips that can help you prepare for what’s to come.

Communication with AGI

If we assume that AGI will significantly surpass human intelligence, a critical challenge will be how we communicate with it and convey our thoughts effectively. Once we formalize our thoughts, the next step is to set goals. However, this task could be complicated by the fact that, as individuals, our goals can be conflicting or even difficult to define due to the fact we don’t understand the full scope of consequences.
This raises the concern that at some stage in AGI’s development, we might struggle to articulate our needs clearly. We could encounter barriers in vocalizing our desires and intentions, which could become problematic as AGI continues to evolve.
Furthermore, the role of language in communication might undergo a fundamental shift. Traditional language may no longer suffice in our interactions with AGI, as we have known and used for centuries. We might see a transformation where verbal communication becomes less important, replaced by a more direct, data-driven exchange of information. In such a scenario, how we interact might also change, potentially reducing the need for spoken language in favour of more efficient methods of conveying data and ideas. This evolution in communication could lead to a profound change in how we understand and relate to both AGI and one another.

Please read the Full article here:Evolution of Humanity in the age of AGI


It’s difficult to predict since this is an abstract topic, but it may be the case that AGI will change the way we communicate with it and ourselves. This will be one of the most fundamental changes for us as humans since vocal and written language has been with us since the beginning of our civilization.

Work and economy

I believe we’re standing at the edge of a massive shift in our economy and workplaces. This change will bring new opportunities but also challenges and problems we’ll need to tackle. In my view, three major changes will define this period:

  1. The automatization of tasks,
  2. A significant transformation in the job market, putting humans more in the piloting roles
  3. Urgent need for governments, smart individuals, and regulatory bodies to adapt to this shift

Education and regulations are going to play a critical role in this transition, but here’s where I see a big problem. We’re currently using old methods to deal with a new and rapidly advancing technology. AGI is developing much faster than anything we’ve seen before, which means we’re struggling to keep up with the necessary decisions and actions that could help us manage its impact on society. This lag could leave us vulnerable, unable to properly predict or prepare for the consequences AGI might bring. That’s why I think it’s crucial to speed up our discussions and create regulations that not only protect what we’ve built as a society but also guide AGI development in a way that supports our future goals. We need to be proactive, not reactive, in steering this powerful technology towards benefiting humanity.

Please read the Full article here: The Era of Me – post AGI evolution of work and economy.


Continuous adaptability will be crucial for us to stay relevant in this changing landscape. In my opinion, governments must develop regulations that balance innovation with safety, support displaced workers, and address AGI’s broader social implications. Businesses should focus on innovation the processes. The key word here is agile. We are already behind.

Wellbeing, medicine and augmented humans

AI and AGI will soon revolutionize human health and longevity, transforming how we approach medicine and treatment. With AGI’s ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various tasks, I see it significantly improving healthcare in the coming years. In 10-15 years, This will likely lead to increased life expectancy and a reduction in diseases, potentially resulting in a much longer life span.

We’re on the edge of evolving into “augmented humans,” where our brains can connect directly to online databases and AGI. This raises important questions for me about protecting ourselves from misinformation and understanding how AGI will impact our identity. Currently, we use virtual assistants for quick answers. I envision a future where AGI can deliver information instantly and seamlessly, directly interfacing with our brains through technologies like neuro bots or neural links.


Just as smartphones have significantly changed how we access information, AGI will further enhance our capabilities. In the next 15 years, I anticipate advancements that will integrate online knowledge directly into our minds, reshaping how we interact with information.

Please read the Full article here: The Evolution of wellbeing and medicine.

The need of education

We need to prepare for the change, so there is an urgent need to educate our children on what’s to come.
There are differing opinions on whether AI could replace teachers, but I believe it will more likely coexist with human educators, acting as an assistant to both teachers and students. Before jumping to conclusions, it’s essential to discuss the core purpose of education: why we teach our children by addressing current challenges and then consider how AGI or advanced AI might enhance this process.


We should shift our focus from repetitive tasks to nurturing their creative potential. The future of education seems to be moving towards fostering soft skills like empathy and creativity, rather than just equipping students with knowledge for specific careers. It’s clear that the education of our children will differ significantly from our own experiences. We need to acknowledge this shift and prepare our kids for it. Given that AI will reshape the job market, as discussed in my article “The Era of Me—Post-AGI Evolution of Work and Economy,” we should prioritize teaching our children critical thinking, empathy, social skills, and creativity.

Please read the Full article here: The Future of Education: Enhancing Human Potential Through AI and AGI.


I’m directing my thoughts to decision-makers. We urgently need to act now, understand the implications of what’s happening, and adjust to reality. We cannot follow the standard path of procedures, debates, and analyses. The place in history in which we find ourselves is unprecedented. Never before has technology had the ability to change our lives in such a significant way.

I hope you enjoyed the articles in the series about our future and AGI.If you think it’s important content to be spread – please share the link on social media. I also encourage you to read full articles from this series.

Thank you for reading.

Written by
Bartek Rozbicki
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